Lessons Learned From 5 Years of Living Abroad

Many have asked what my most significant takeaways have been during the last five years of living overseas. I always tell them, "Moving abroad has taught me how to bet on myself again and given me opportunities I could never obtain back in my home country."

But as I reflect on their question, I realize there's so much more to share about the lessons I've learned since embarking on this journey to the United States. These are the things that don't get to talk about enough, the hidden gems of wisdom that the world has bestowed upon me through this international adventure. So, let’s talk about it.

Redefine "Home"

One of the most transformative realizations is that the meaning of "home" evolves.

  • You might have better relationships with your family/relatives. You’ll realize that sometimes, it's easier to love them from afar.

  • You might lose all your friends or people you thought were your friends.

  • You’ll realize distance plays a massive role in friendship maintenance, but some friends will stick out no matter what—keep them close and make an effort to strengthen the relationship.

  • The longer you stay abroad, you will slowly admit that "abroad" is now "home," and you will realize your family gets older without you there to take care of them.

  • You might feel lonely and, at some point, start thinking about returning to your home country.

  • But when you go back, you realize you can never actually go back.

  • And what used to be home is no longer home; nowhere and everywhere is now home.

  • You become your own home. Your body is the only house you will truly ever own.


Each day presents opportunities for personal growth.

  • You’ll have to push yourself out of your comfort zone every single day to adapt to a new place and culture.

  • You’ll be overwhelmed by what you must do to get to where you want, but you'll be surprised by how far people will go to help you every time.

  • You'll learn to stop making assumptions about anything and anyone but make room for people to show their true selves.

  • You'll become more humble than ever. You don't take anything for granted and don't need much to have fun.

  • You'll become grateful for everything, especially a home-cooked meal.

  • Most of all, you'll discover yourself further by valuing your roots, by recognizing and appreciating where you came from.

Breaking Stereotypes and Expanding Perspectives

Living abroad provides an opportunity to break free from the stereotypes and biases that often shape our perceptions. You'll interact with individuals who defy stereotypes and challenge your preconceived notions. This exposure will broaden your perspectives, fostering a more open-minded and inclusive mindset. You'll realize that there is no singular narrative or universal truth, and that true understanding comes from embracing the complexities and diversity of the human experience.

The beauty of living in a foreign land is the exposure to a tapestry of cultures, beliefs, and traditions. You'll encounter people from all walks of life, each with their own unique perspectives and experiences. Embracing this diversity becomes not only a necessity but also a tremendous source of enrichment. You'll learn to celebrate the differences that make us human and gain a deeper understanding of the world as a whole.

Embracing it

Living abroad has been a transformative experience, and I am eternally grateful for the opportunities it has provided me. It has allowed me to rewrite the narrative of my life, to uncover new passions, and to forge meaningful connections that transcend geographical boundaries.

So, to anyone considering taking a leap of faith and venturing into the unknown, I encourage you to embrace the journey wholeheartedly. The world is vast, full of hidden gems and profound lessons waiting to be discovered. As my wise mother always says, "Open your heart and mind, and let the adventure unfold.”


My Story as an Immigrant